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Socially Awkward Darcy
A Lizzie Bennet Diaries Fan Portal

SAD's facebook page was created, on November 2012, with the sole purpose of sharing Socially Awkward Darcy Memes. Since then, it has evolved to be so much more!


Available on many other social medias – such as tumblr8tracks and youtube â€“, SAD has become one of the largest LBD communities online.

We make it our responsibility to help fans keep track of all transmedia created by the official pages as well as cool fan generated content.


Even though the series has come to an end, the page remains active, bringing you the best LBD and Pride and Prejudice related news and content.


Knightley Disapproved
An Emma Approved Fan Portal
By popular demand, Socially Awkward Darcy admins opened a new portal, providing the very same services to Emma Approved viewers. 
Notifications whenever a character tweets, cast pictures collected from various personal profiles, links to videos, cool tumblr graphics – always crediting the source –, and the opportunity to fangirl and freak out collectively.
Book to Tube
The collective appreciation of other web-series
The Autobiography of Jane Eyre, The New Adventures of Peter + Wendy, Classic Alice, Kissing in The Rain, and so much more!
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